Milk thistle oil

Milk thistle oil

Milk thistle oil

Milk thistle oil is cold pressed directly from the seeds, which preserves all the important minerals, vitamins (natural vitamin E) and especially fatty acids.

Milk thistle oil is a rich source of essential unsaturated fatty acids:

  • linoleic acid (59 %),
  • oleic acid (approx. 21 %),
  • palmitic acid (10 %),
  • stearic acid, arachidonic acid
  • and behenic acid (10 %).


Thistle oil (as a source of fatty acids and vitamin E) is recommended to be taken alone 1-2 teaspoons per day. We take mainly for the oil's beneficial effect on good digestion and proper heart function. It also helps maintain normal blood sugar levels and boosts natural immunity.


Should only be taken cold, as it loses its valuable properties when heated. It has a pleasant buttery taste with a slight bitter undertone.

Milk thistle oil can be used in: salad dressings, smoothies, chilled soups, sauces, relishes, pastes and to coat ready-made dishes such as potatoes, spaghetti and mash.


Milk thistle oil is suitable for treating various dermal problems, acne and eczema, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, is suitable for massage and hair care.

Ostropestřecový olej

Milk thistle oil

Dimension in cm W/H/D 18,5 / 6,4 / 3,8
Packaging Dark jar
Best before 2 months
EAN code 8594053471082
Volume 250 ml
Price per bottle 100 CZK
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